Meatless Monday

I don’t typically participate in Meatless Monday on purpose, but in an effort to evict these last five pounds from my hiney, I’m going meatless on a Monday.

Tonight, I’m making pasta primavera with a lemon caper sauce…because I’m not afraid of carbs. Everything in moderation, right?! Okay then! I found tonight’s recipe here. I looooove capers! They are highly underutilized if you ask me. After a quick stroll through Trader Joe’s, I was all set for my vegetable frenzy. I picked up a bag of baby spinach, yellow squash, sugar plum tomatoes and some shaved parmesan and asiago cheese.

I am a huge fan of going a little rogue on recipes and this one was no exception. I decided to forego the frozen peas and carrots and I substituted the asparagus for brussels sprouts, since I had some in the fridge. Veggies chopped, I was on my way! I sautéed the onion in a little olive oil for a few minutes and then added the squash and brussies while my pasta water boiled.


I love watching them turn that bold green color! I started on the sauce, which I was a little nervous about since I usually just go with olive oil or a little lemon juice. This sauce, however, was fairly easy and only took a few minutes once it started to boil. It called for chicken stock, which I don’t use, so I swapped that out for veggie stock…easy peasy. I added the juice from half a lemon and the capers and watched it thicken. It smelled sooo good!


For once, I timed everything perfectly! Hallelujah! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to let my vegetables sit (for too long) while my pasta cooked and then I would have to frantically make some kind of dressing and put it all together before the pasta got cold or became mush. Needless to say, I was patting myself on the back for this one! I topped it with halved sugar plum tomatoes and a little shaved cheese and it all came together nicely, if I do say so myself!


Of course, no Meatless Monday would be complete without a glass of my favorite $5 bottle of vino from Trader Joe’s. Nothing says bye-bye Monday like a little Chariot!


Cheers to what is sure to be a great week! Salute!